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Vandalism Car Insurance Claim Tips

It can be extremely upsetting to realize that your vehicle has been vandalized, and your first thoughts may turn to your insurance policy. It can also make you feel violated, even if you don’t believe that the attack on your property was personally motivated. Of course, if it is a personally motivated attack, it can feel even worse. 

There are numerous different ways in which a car can be vandalized. Some of the most common include having the windows broken or headlights smashed. Keying a car to ruin the paint job is another common tactic vandals use. Will your insurance cover this type of damage? 

What Types Of Insurance Coverage Will Cover Repairs If My Car Is Keyed?

Typically, vandalism is covered under comprehensive coverage portions of an insurance policy. If you’re not sure if you’ve purchased comprehensive coverage, all you need to do is check the declaration page of your policy. If there’s a dollar under the comprehensive section, it’s likely that you do have comprehensive coverage. If there’s a dollar amount in any section other than collision, you may have comprehensive coverage under a different name. There should be two numbers listed, one being the deductible amount and the second showing how much you pay for this coverage. 

If you aren’t sure what your declaration page is, or you aren’t sure you’re interpreting the sections correctly, the best thing to do is talk to your insurance agent. Often, looking at your policy through the online portal can be helpful as well. 

Is It Hard To File A Vandalism Claim?

Generally speaking, it’s not particularly complex to file a claim if your car is vandalized. It can be a bit inconvenient or tedious, however. You can make the process easier if you understand in advance what is involved and follow the steps below. You can also consult with your agent to find out if there’s a way to streamline the process further. In any event, you want to complete your claim quickly so that you can get your repair done immediately and move on from this troubling situation. 

Easy Vandalism Claim Filing—Steps

These steps may vary somewhat depending on your policy, but they should provide you with a good, basic guideline. 

Make A Police Report

The very first thing you should do when you realize your vehicle has been vandalized is call the police and make a report. Depending on your area, you may call the non-emergency line, or you may want to call 911. Also, take photos immediately. Your insurance company will probably require a report in order to cover the repairs.

Call Your Insurance Agent

The next step is to call your agent. They’re going to ask you a number of questions and it will go more smoothly if you are prepared with the answers. Some of these questions might include:

  • What were the date and approximate time the vandalism occurred?
  • What part of the vehicle was damaged?
  • Where was the car at the time of the incident? 
  • Do you know who damaged your car?
  • What is the report number assigned to your police report?

Have Your Vehicle Repaired And Pay The Deductible

At this point in the process, your insurance agent will review the information and recommend a repair shop. They’ll inform you of the deductible, which is how much you’ll pay toward the repair. 

The most important thing to remember when filing your claim is to move quickly, especially when it comes to filing the police report. While vandals often get away with their crimes, the chances of them being caught increase exponentially the sooner you make a report.