As a senior, you quickly learn that your auto insurance rates start to rise after you pass your 65th birthday. While young drivers between the ages of 16 and 24 are considered to be the riskiest age group, seniors do not fall far behind in terms of accident statistics. No matter how spry you are as a senior, the statistics will affect you because of the statistics of others in your age range. Driving experience does drive your rates down, but when you gain too much experience it is a sign that your age may affect your ability to be a defensive operator. If you are shopping for cheap auto insurance for senior drivers, it is in your best interest to familiarize yourself with some of the senior discounts that may be available to you before you start requesting auto insurance quotes. Here is your brief guide on saving money on auto insurance as a senior:
Take an Approved Mature Driver Course
One way to combat the statistics that work against you as a senior driver is to take a Mature Driver or Defensive Drive course designed for drivers age 55 or older. Several different agencies, like the AARP, recommend these courses in communities all throughout the nation. The course will take about 8 hours to complete, but once you receive a certificate, you can submit this certificate to your insurer and receive a discount for a 3 year period. Not only will your premiums go down, you may actually learn valuable tips you never considered on how to avoid accidents or be more observant on the road.
Daytime Driving Savings
Not all companies advertise the option to receive a credit for only driving in the daytime. Be sure to see if this is an option if you do not drive after dark. Insurance companies have found that senior drivers are highly more likely to get into an accident if they drive after the sun goes down. By agreeing not to drive between the hours of 9pm and 5am, you can save a significant amount of money. You are still allowed to drive in emergency situations.
Low Annual Mileage Discounts
As a senior, you get to enjoy the life of a retiree. As a retiree, you have less commitments and typically drive your vehicle less. Not only will you receive lower rates as a pleasure driver, you will also receive low annual mileage discounts if you put 5000 miles or less on your vehicle each year. Make sure you accurately estimate how many miles you drive weekly, and multiply this number by 52.
The most effective way to find cheap auto insurance for senior drivers is to compare rates from several different insurance companies. Some companies target the senior age group, and other companies are trying to attract a younger demographic. You want to identify the companies who are priced competitively in your demographic. To do this, use an online rate comparison tool, price the cost of insurance from several companies, and make your decision.